This Not Me Monday is dedicated to Stellan. Those of you not familiar with Stellan's story I urge you to visit Mckmama's site. Stellan is currently in the hospital with Heart compilations and could use all the prayers he could get.
I DID NOT wake up every morning and run to the computer to check for Stellan updates. Oh no not me.
I also didn't check the computer one last time before I would go to bed. I mean I wouldn't stay up as late as I could just so I wouldn't miss any Stellan updates.
I also wouldn't leave my twitter running all the time so I wouldn't miss anything. That would mean I was obsessed with Stellan. I am certainly not obsessed with that little cutie.
I certainly did not talk so much about Stellan that my 14 year old daughter joined his facebook prayer group.
I most certainly did not think yesterday during a hail/thunderstorm/tornado warning freakish storm how a could gather up all the hail and spell out Stellan's name in our driveway without getting struck by lightening. Oh no not me!
Now it's your turn to tell me what you wouldn't do.