My four year old has decided that everyday must start wearing his fishing vest. One of the first things he does in the morning is look for that vest. It doesn't matter what he is wearing either. Everyday. Sometimes it's under a sweatshirt too. It drives us nuts. My good friend and neighbor gets the biggest kick out of it. We decided a couple of weeks ago to post everyday on facebook when he wears the darn thing. Three days ago he decided he needed something else to go with the vest. An orange hat. In addition to the vest,it's now an orange hat. Case in point.......
Notice how his marker matches too? |
We've had had two days were he didn't wear the vest. I thought great this phase is over. Nope. Yesterday while we were out shopping he found a vest we just had to buy. I thought this vest would push Hubby over the edge. It's a little different.
We asked him why that vest. The penguin has a rocking guitar. How do you argue that? |
He looks very umm.....festive, right? No matter what he wears he's still a cutie to me. I would like to point out, I do make him take the vests off before we go out in public. I don't want all the other mom's to make fun of me. HA!
Has anyone else child went through a phase of wanting to wear the same thing over and over again? Advise?
Well, it has been a long while since those days for me ( my oldest is 23 and my youngest is 20) but they both did go through phases of having favorite clothes. I can't remember if they insisted on wearing something every single day? The phase will end but if it is driving you totally nuts, try using, "It is dirty I need to wash it and it will take a few days."
I did giggle reading this and he is such a cutie!!
Thank you. We think he's a cutie too. I think that's why I keep letting him wear that vest. He flashes his blue eyes and I turn into Mommy mush. LOL. My oldest is 20 and I don't remember her or her two sisters ever going through this phase. I admit I do crack up every morning when he puts that vest on. LOL.
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